Sunday, September 23, 2012

Muffin was queen of the mango.

I'm the king of bongo bong and I decided to go sweet this evening. This meant muffins, mango, bananas, ice-cream and chocolate. And a trip to the gym afterwards.

These are all the ingredients you'll need. It is really easy to make them, just buy some kind of a pre-prepared muffin package and go ahead. It is well explained on the box. You only have to add 2 eggs, 125 ml of oil and 75 ml of milk or water. I also added some banana or mango when pouring the batter into the forms :)

My muffins in the oven.

Mister Muffin (The most beautiful one).


Mmm, the smell! :)

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  1. OOOOO už se nemůžu dočkat jak si je budem dělat s Kejt v našich fajných nových Ikea formičkách :P

  2. these muffins look so so delicious!!!!

    xx, Sabinna and David
    Broken Cookies

  3. nikdy som neskúšala maffiny z krabičky, ja radšej také tie "domáce" :)

    1. ty mam v planu priste :)
      ale i ty z krabicky byly moc dobre :)

  4. Mňamiii, mm dlouho jsem si takovou dobrou snídani neudělala..
    Doufám, že sis je vychutnal jeden po druhým hahah, G.
