Thursday, December 13, 2012

Moleskine Giveaway Winner

And the winner is..... Wait for it...

OK. First of all, I'd like to thank you all for following my blog and taking part in this giveaway.
I hope you like it here. Feel free to give me any feedback so that I keep doing what you like or try to change what you like less :) Thank you!

Congratulations to the winner, Lucia Hrachova, comment number 73!
(Randomly generated by the Random Number Generator)

Thank you all again and congratulations to the winner!
I promise to bring you another giveaway soon!


  1. Si asi prvý chlap blogger ktorého sledujem (okrem The Sartorialist :D haha). Každopádne, štve ma že som sa nezapojila. Tak mi treba keď sa snažím zistiť aké osoby stoja za mojími komentármi na blogu :)

  2. Thank you, thank you so much, I´m so sorry that I wasn´t on computer earlier, but it makes me really happy now. :)
