Monday, May 14, 2012

Dobrý trh, Bratislava

There was a market on Saturday in Bratislava. There were various stands offering vintage clothes, souvenirs, postcards, bicycles, etc. The only thing I got, however, was a piece of fabric that I'll use as a handkerchief (last picture on the left) :)

All the clothes except for the hat, H&M

In the last 3 days, I got as many buttons as never in my life.
The ones on the left are from the Retro Party, the German ones from the market (the Goethe Institut was giving them out for free), and the smiley face one we got for contributing to charity. 

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  1. boží!
    chci jít na takový trhy a odnést si ty hodiny!

    1. Přesně! Ty hodiny mě taky zaujaly :D
