Friday, June 8, 2012

Exams are over!

I'm sorry that I haven't posted anything for about 2 weeks, but I was pretty busy studying for my finals. But I'm done! No exams left, the Research Proposal for my Bachelor Paper uploaded, so let the summer break begin!

Bow-tie, The Bow Tie Bar
Shirt, Zara


Shorts, s.Oliver
Shoes, Converse

Glasses, Rugstock

How are you guys doing?

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  1. tak teď bych chtěl být v tvé kůži .) to musí být teprv pocit, ne jako já teď, mít zatim pouze maturitu...

  2. ty jo, v tom detailu pusobi strasne obrovsky ... ale na ostatnich fotkach je dobry ;)
